New Kid On The Block
The Liger
The Dad
The Mom
Liger Links
Roaring Feedback
Eyes Of The Pride
Cited Works
Technical Specs & Notes
The Proud Father - The Lion
The Lion formerly known as the king of the jungle is actually a hunter of the
great plains. A proud member of the Felidae family. A threatened species limited
to a few parks in Africa where he can roam free away from the gaze of poachers
and wrong do-errs.
The male lion is easily recognized by his mane, and often can weigh up to 550
pounds. The females are much smaller, weighing usually up to around 400 pounds.
In the wild averagely lion live for about 10 to 14 years. While in captivity
they have surpassed twenty years.
Lions are carnivores who live together in family groups, called prides. These
prides usually consist of related female lions, their cubs of both sexes and one
male lion often unrelated who will mate with the adult females, all of them.
The females are the hunters within the pride, they will hunt in the days or in
the nights though are found to hunt more often on days when it is overcast and
cooler out. While the male who is often portrayed as lazy and lacking in energy
due to the fact that a lion can sleep up to 20 hours a day, maintains the
borders of their territory.
Male lions are expelled from the pride when they reach maturity. When or if
another male takes over the pride and fights the alpha male and is victorious,
the conqueror is free to kill and cubs left in the pride that are not his.
Cited Paraphrasing