In creating this site I gathered relative information about my topic the liger.
Then gathered relative information about his heritage through the father lion
and mother tigress.
Then once I had a factual understanding and was ready to start my page creation.
I went out and found a generic site template .
I stripped the template and changed the attributes of it using FrontPage 2003. I
then created the site using the template as my backbone.
Over the next few days I created page by page and then added images as needed.
I used the FAQ & Gallery Wizards through Frontpage2003 to design said sites.
I then designed a feedback page and labeled the appropriate attributes.
I then went back and found the resource information for all the content I had
used on the site and checked their individual hyper links there fore.
I then hosted and tested the site.
I then edited the email link for the feedback page to my instructors email
Finally I reposted the site.
Then I deleted the site because the banners at Tripod
ruined my sites presentation.
I repeated all the steps above only this time I
created the website myself through Frontpage.
Here is the link to the picture of the sites actual navigation
Structure |